  • Whole-of-life planning
  • ISO 55001/02
  • Investment strategy
  • Divestment, recycling

  • Build
  • Requirements, scoping
  • Design concept blue-print
  • P3 management
  • Contract management
  • 👆 Manage
  • Utilisation optmising
  • Resource planning
  • Program forecasting
  • Risk management

  • Maintain
  • Maintenance strategy
  • Work prioritisation
  • Asset condition
  • Quality management
  • Procure
  • Sourcing
  • Market engagement
  • Commercial model
  • Due diligence

  • Finance
  • Cash flows
  • Bankability
  • Financing
  • Funding
  • Discover
  • Data and analytics
  • Business review
  • Operation improvements
  • Roadmap and strategy

  • Change
  • Change planning
  • Impact assessment/ADKAR
  • Communications
  • Change delivery
  • Justify
  • Planning and strategy
  • Business Case
  • Socio-economics
  • Compliance, approvals

  • Define
  • Governance framework
  • Stakeholder management
  • Option evaluation
  • Ideation and costing
  • Transform
  • Digital transformation
  • Business turnaround
  • Operating model
  • Organisation setup

  • Perform
  • Lean management
  • Efficiency enablers
  • Performamce metrics/KPIs
  • Dashboard & reporting

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